For those unfamiliar with Baron Wulfenbach I would direct you to one of the most amazing comic creations I have ever had the privilege to read, Girl Genius. Other denizens of Girl Genius have turned up in Caledon in the past, but the Baron has made an outpost in Caledon.
A selection of tunes was provided by Frau Lowey (who has an unhealthy obsession with Thomas Dolby it must be said) and the Duchess of Carntaigh and a small furry Emperor coordinated the DJing duties for the night.
AT 8 hours I think this is possibly the longest Radio Riel gig ever undertaken.
Through the course of the morning we managed to have attendees from many different time zones

Emperor Krosp I as half of the DJ team for the night

Baron Wulfenbach grooves to the music

The forecourt of the Embassy with revellers and lightning coming from the sky.
Sadly I was rather distracted with DJing duties and the conversation (which was going all over the place) to remember to take too many pictures.
But it was a great night and much fun was had by all
Tcha, your musical education has been sadly neglected. I only hope to broaden horizons.
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