First up is a presentation of H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds radio adaptation by CBS's Mercury Theatre On the Air. Adapted by and written by Howard Koch, and famously directed by Orson Welles. Originally broadcast on 30th of October 1938 and causing great controversy at the time (not to mention covering up the actual invasion by the red lectroids). This broadcast runs approximately one hour.

Following this, is an exclusive presentation of Dark Adventure Radio Theatre's version of H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness. In the style of The War of the Worlds and The Shadow, Dark Adventure Radio Theatre dramatizes HPL's story with a cast of professional actors, exciting sound effects and original music by Troy Sterling Nies (composer for The Call of Cthulhu). Relive the excitement of 1930s radio with one of most exciting and fascinating stories: At the Mountains of Madness.
Broadcast with kind the permission of the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society.
Thank you Edward, that is inspired!
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