Dia as The Rocketeer

Lunar as Sonic


Hotspur O'Tool in one of many costumes he cycled through on the evening

CeAire Decosta as a Jedi

Hawc Decosta as a Superman with an interesting belt buckle

Christine as Poison Ivy

A Flaming demon

Fuzz trying to figure out what lurks in the heart of men

Baron Wulfenbach as Bill Heterodyne. Nice touch :-)

Yours truly in an Iron Man outfit. I love this AV and it's proven quite inspirational.

Thanks to Miss Cornelia for this shot of the X-Tinies!
Ah, Iron Man. On my list of things to do is an old-school Iron Man av - you know, the one really made of iron. It's almost steampunk - a few particle effects would transform it.
Tony could work on the old one with a screwdriver and a 10mm wrench. This newfangled stuff is just confusing.
Thank you, sir, for your comment. After looking around at the available costumes and such, I decided to stick with the personal and familiar.
I feel I should ask, though - how do you get such consistently good photographs in such a busy environment? Mine are not a patch on yours.
Mr. Newall, I have taken inspiration from this outfit and am in the process of creating a suit of "steampunk powered armour". It's something I've been looking at for a while but I've got several mod/copy pieces from other AVs that should incorporate nicely into the finished effect.
Baron my pictures are mostly a work in patience. Often I'll frame the photo at a particular point and wait for the dance animation to cycle through again to where the camera is positioned. Sometimes I'll miss it and have to reposition. It's also worth noting that the snapshot tool has about a 1 second delay from when you click to the time it captures the image (at least it does for me).
Oh, believe me, I've noticed the delay. *sigh* It was easier photographing the X-Tinies.
I find the fact that somebody has dressed as The Shadow to be quite wonderful!
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