The formal Black & White Ball was the second time that Radio Riel had played for an event in New Boston. I wasn't able to attend the previous event but the people seem very friendly.

Dancing with Mayor Dejavu

Dancing with Frau Lowey

Lady Gustafson, Radio Riel's hostess for the evening, dancing with

A clockwork girl, whose name sadly escapes me.
Had an excellent time at the ball. Afterwards Lady Gustafson and myself retired to Loch Avie for a little weapons sparring. After donning armour we traded blows for a while. I think I'm improving. I managed to actually win one of the five rounds! There may be hope for me yet.
I believe the clockwork girl is one of the Frl. Shikami.
It was a lovely evening at New Boston. I wish I knew why I find the sea ther so foreboding...
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