DJing in some rather short lederhose.

Colonel Somme and Lady Primbroke dance to one of the waltzes

Some more dancers, with Mr. Writer to the right in his own lederhose

I am unsure who this gentleman was, so foolproof was his disguise.
Friday night saw a change of pace with the Wizard of Oz themed dance in Steelhead, as part of the Harvest Festival.

Follow the Yellowbrick Road

Which will lead you to the Emerald City

Exrex Somme, awaiting his mail-order degree

Miss Katt, whose scarecrow seemed to have stuffing in different places.

Tensai as the good witch. Bwahahahahahahaha

The DeCostas as Emerald City residents

Aza Zimurgy as another scarecrow. Though the sort that I think American McGee would have produced

Hotspur O'Toole showing his mettle

Miss Emilly as a blonde Dorothy

My munchkin costume incomplete, I opted for the simpler "Emerald city resident" option.

Lady Primbroke (who proved rather difficult to photograph that night).

Miss Midnight, also in green.

Duchess Eva as Glinda, with O'Toole and Frequency Picnic behind her

Tensai showing her true colours: evil flying monkey (that flung poo)

Baron Wulfenbach as the (un)cowardly lion, and winner of best outfit for the night.

Miss Lumina's Dorothy.
All in all one of the more successful dances in Steelhead. Sheriff Ortega produced some excellent tunes and great fun was had by all, before we finally had to wake up and discover RL. *sigh*
I added a link to your excellent snapshots to my post - I could not concentrate well enough (especially with those feet behaving oddly) to take good ones of my own. Danke for posting these.
Yay for functional cams!
And I'll have you know, the original book art? Does feature Dorothy as a blonde.
And, well, as five....but everyone has to grow up sometime. :)
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