Sunday 2 December 2007

Ice skating and Rez Days

Monday night was Her Grace of Middlesea's Rez Day. The Duke of Greystoke took the opportunity to set up his skating rink and invited Caledonians to come down and strap their skates on. He also asked me to provide some suitable music for the evening.

The setting was wonderful, with Her Grace looking charming in her white fur attire being accompanied by His Grace around the ice.

Gnarli & Gloire

Christine and I practice some move advanced steps.

Lady Primbroke was especially happy that snow and skating were back in Caledon as she had purchased skates last year a mere two days before a sudden thaw saw all of Caledon launch into an early spring. Hopefully there will be some snow on the ground a little longer than New Years this year.

Miss Tombola puts all her "flying by the seat of her pants" skills towards some impressive moves on the ice.

Mr. Offcourse and Lady Gustafson practice some synchronised spinning.

I received many compliments on the choice of music for the evening, which included, Ravel, Strauss, Chopin, Tchaikovsky and Mozart.

Torvill and Dean eat your heart out.


Emilly Orr said...

Looks wonderful. And oh, you might hurt me for this. Blame Miss London Spengler. But you've been tagged.

*slinks off*