Sunday, 27 May 2007

Monochrome Steelhead

Friday night's dance at Steelhead saw the place less than it's usual colourful self. The theme of Black & White saw some interesting outfits.

Yours truly in one of Professor Avalanche's B&W Space hero outfits, with Miss Lumina to my right and Miss McAllister to my left.

Miss Pennyfeather's little black number

Miss Emilly's B&W checked outfit. Emilly also did a marvelous job of hosting the evening.

Finn & Addison's Black & White outfits

Fawkes inside his own B&W telly.

Miss Picnic and other assorted revellers


Frequency Picnic said...

I believe the first photo identified as me is actually miss H. Pennyfeather.

Emilly Orr said...

The TV was inspired. I watched Fawkes build it, and ran off the grid to find black and white backgrounds, and the static repeat for the sides. Quite amusing.

Though for a bit--when everyone got in the TV--it did feel a bit like Steelhead Playhouse. :)

Edward Pearse said...

So it was Miss Picnic, my apologies for the typo.