Tuesday 29 May 2007

Happy Rez Day to Eva!

Saturday saw Caledon's favourite Loch Avie Duchess see in her 1 year anniversary of Second Life. Many of the usual suspects were invited, others came anyway :-)

Lady Amber and 98 get down

Miss Betty Doyle looking like she could give lessons to Dita Von Tease and Mr. Aldo Stern looking impressive as well.

A sandwich with Two Duchesses and a Countess. Is that a Cheese Royal?


Hotspur O'Toole shakes his thang

JJ Drinkwater pimps his suit out. Or is that a pimp suit? I'm not sure

Miss Lapin Paris giving the lie to her sweet and innocent image

Miss Mitsu Figaro grooving to the beat

Miss Virrginia Tombola and Miss Lavender Beaumont enjoying her night.

There have been persistent rumours of a demon summoning. I don't know they're talking about personally