Monday 13 August 2007

The Court of Carntaigh

Saturday night saw Her Grace, the Duchess of Carntaigh, present her new Court to the citizens of Caledon.

Obviously a roaring success as we had high lag and a minor sim crash. People both familiar and new were there and it was nice to see a few people who had been absent for a while. I was delighted to be able to chat with Miss Anansi who I have not seen in some time.

The Presentation Ball for the Court of Carntaigh

Myself and my darling wife dance the night away.

Lady Diamanda and I waltzing to some of Her Grace's excellent music.

Lord and Lady Primbroke

Colonel Edward Pearse, 12th Earl of Primbroke, GCWL, KCT, OWR


Baron K. Wulfenbach said...

Full formal peerage robes, striking!