Sunday 26 August 2007

Happy Rez Day to Christine!

With some Supa Sekret Skilz and a little bit of luck, last night a surprise Rez Day party was organised for my lovely Christine McAllister, Lady Primbroke.

As opposed to last weekend where nearly everything was happening, this Saturday there was only the one and that had finished by 4.

So with some help from Her Grace and Lady Gustafson, people were organised and a little shindig was sprung.

The Rez Day girl herself.

I had fun going through my selection of photos (and the contributions of others), sorting out the ones fit for public consumption, and putting them up for all to see.

Some of the revellers dancing to the beats provide by her Grace and myself.

And of course once you start playing Doctorin the TARDIS you just KNOW the Daleks will turn up.

All in all a successful night. Christine got a little suspicious by the time it was getting close, because I was busy with making her cake and was being very cagey about it. But her brother knows how to keep her distracted :-)


Baron K. Wulfenbach said...

Thank you, and of course the rez-day Countess, for your kind invitation. It was a splendid bit of fun, even if I kept having to re-log. I just didn't want to miss anything!

TotalLunar Eclipse said...

Always a pleasure to assist!

Emilly Orr said...

I very much...FUN! Truly, it was one of the best dances I've been to, up to and including getting lasered by several Daleks. :)

Christine McAllister Pearse said...

Thank you for planning this party my beloved! I had *such* a wonderful time!!!!