Riel Radio Theatre presents part two of BBC Radio 4's dramatisation of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings - "The Black Riders".
Adapted for radio by Brian Sibley and Michael Bakewell.
* Narrator: Gerard Murphy
* Frodo Baggins: Ian Holm
* Gandalf the Grey/Gandalf the White: Michael Hordern
* Aragorn (Strider): Robert Stephens
* Sam Gamgee: William Nighy
* Meriadoc Brandybuck (Merry): Richard O'Callaghan
* Peregrin Took (Pippin): John McAndrew
* Legolas: David Collings
* Gimli: Douglas Livingstone
* Boromir: Michael Graham Cox
* Galadriel: Marian Diamond
* Celeborn: Simon Cadell
* Arwen Evenstar: Sonia Fraser
* Saruman the White: Peter Howell
* Elrond: Hugh Dickson
* Bilbo Baggins: John Le Mesurier
* Gollum/Sméagol: Peter Woodthorpe
* Théoden: Jack May
* Gríma Wormtongue: Paul Brooke
* Éowyn: Elin Jenkins
* Éomer: Anthony Hyde
* Faramir: Andrew Seear
* Treebeard: Stephen Thorne
* Denethor: Peter Vaughan
* Lord of the Nazgûl: Philip Voss
* The Mouth of Sauron: John Rye
* Glorfindel/A Hobbit: John Webb
* Haldir/Nazgûl/Nob/Minstrel: Hayden Wood
* Gamling: Patrick Barr
* Ceorl: Michael McStay
* Háma/A Nazgûl: Michael Spice
* Éothain/Otho Sackville-Baggins/Ruffian: John Livesy
* Halbarad: Martin Reed
* Beregond/The Black Rider/Guard: Christopher Scott
* Ioreth: Pauline Letts
* Gwaihir: Alexander John
* Radagast the Brown: Donald Gee
* Gaffer Gamgee: John Church
* Ted Sandyman/Snaga: Gordon Reed
* Rosie Cotton: Kathryn Hurlbuut
* Daddy Twofoot: Leonard Fenton
* Farmer Maggot/Ruffian: John Bott
* Lobelia Sackville-Baggins: Diana Bishop
* Farmer Cotton: Alan Dudley
* Proudfoot/Orc: Sean Arnold
* Elanor Gamgee: Harry Holm
* Barliman Butterbur: James Grout
* Uglúk: Brian Haines
* Shagrat: Chris Fairbank
* Gorbag: David Sinclair
* Déagol/Bill Ferny/Orc Captain: Graham Faulkner
* Shelob: Jenny Lee, BBC Radiophonic Workshop
* Singer (Dream Voice/Bilbo's Last Song): Matthew Vine
* Singer (The Bard): Oz Clarke
* Singer (The Eagle/Voice of Lothlórien): David James
Thursday 15h of January starting at 7:00 pm SLT
Join me at Radio Riel's HQ at Edison Hypatia to listen with the rest of us or tune your music player of choice to http://music2.radioriel.org if you can't make it in person.
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