Thursday 17 July 2008

Anniversary Party

Last night was the 1 Year and 1 month anniversary of Christine's and my official handfasting. RL got in the way of our actual anniversary and did it's best to intervene this time as well.

She contacted me about half an hour before the party was due to start letting me know her typist's home had had a close brush with a Tornado and the town was without power and that she would be there in spirit if not actual presence.

The party itself went well with quite a gathering over the night. There have even been suggestions of a repeat performance but with the lady of honour in attendance.

We shall see.

As the evening wore on we were down to the Baron, Miss Emilly, and Miss Homewood who I took on an impromptu tour of the tunnels, after which I asked Emilly for a suggestion of a recent sim worth visiting. She took me to Loco Pocos island. Very interesting build and there's even a treasure hunt to help you explore the sim.

It was a good night. If only My Duchess had been there as well.


Christine McAllister Pearse said...

I'm sorry my dearest, believe me, my typist would rather have had me in attendance than what happened.

We shall have to just have another party! :-)