This Saturday, the 30th of August, sees the official opening of the Consulate of Europa Wulfenbach in Antiquity.
It's also Mary Shelly's birthday, so the theme for the dance has been chosen as Clanks and Constructs.
Two dances for the day: 12-2 SLT and later from 4-6 PM SLT. I will be DJing the second of the two dances. So bring out your best robot or your greatest creation and come along and dance to some interesting and fun music!
At 6:30 pm SLT I will be hosting the dance at Carntaigh for the CaleCon simulcast.
A contingent of Caledon residents will be sending their typists away to Ontario in Canada for CaleCon! Saturday evening, via the wonders of the aethernet, we shall be able to watch them via screens set up in Coughton Court and they shall be able to watch us via a digital projector.
I'm not sure if AVs watching their typists may cause some sort of temporal paradox but it will be a fun night anyway.
Well, now, *that* sounds interesting. That's better than the fabled WoW gateway--actually *seeing* what's happening at the con! Whee!
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