Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Hurricane Adolphe ravages New Toulouse

Widespread flooding, rain, lightning strikes and even zombie sightings have all plagued New Toulouse in recent days. The residents however seem to have shrugged it off and got on with things. Sandbags were the order of the day and storm shutters were given a good workout.

Even the animals seemed to take it in their stride.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Edward's arm in RL

If Edward's mechanical arm were in RL rather than in SL it might look something like this.

Full details over on Boing Boing

Friday, 10 September 2010

Breakfast in Babbage - Food Glorious Food!

Waffles, Hot Dogs, Pie and cake! Breakfast foods and vegetables.

Lettuce all join in for music that can't be beet. Assuming there is no leek, it will be a plum show. Music from some Swedes too possibly.

Join me at The Clarendon in New Babbage

**This will be the last Breakfast in Babbage before Daylight Savings throws things into a spin yet again**