Sunday 18 June 2023

Immortal Edward - Research

Immortal Edward - Research

Part of the "Immortal Edward" storyline I am working on.

In his travels through Europe and the East, Edward had heard stories of gateways and portals to other worlds. Sometimes they were called fairy rings, other times they were mystic portals. Very few were more than hearsay: someone knew someone who had been told about another person who knew something. Stories and folklore evolved, variously connecting them with Arthur, or Sigurd, or Ivan Tsarevitch. Yet occasionally a piece of the story would stand out to Edward, which made him think that amongst the chaff of legend, was a grain of truth.

In 1573 Edward was granted access to the Duke of Bavaria's personal library. In addition to copies of Sebald Schreyer's Schedelsche Weltchronik (later known as the Nuremberg Chronical), it also included rare manuscripts recording supernatural phenomena and stories. To most of these Edward paid only cursory attention, but his interest was held by a manuscript that referred to the Portal of the Ages. For some time he had suspected that earlier references he had found to "Engelstor" might be the same thing. Different people describe things in different ways, especially when they see it as something supernatural.

Briefly sipping his beer, Edward took a fresh quill and began copying the relevant sections from the book. Several disparate accounts shared an uncanny similarity of their experience leading him to believe they were discussing the same thing. And yet the accounts were wildly different as well. They all started the same but destinations all differed. It would seem there was a common entry point but the exit was dependant on other factors.

This was going to take further research. Edward assumed that the Portal wasn't going to be out in the open or if it was it only appeared at specific times. Either way it looked like a trip to England was on the cards. He felt he had been away for long enough that no-one alive should be able to recognise him. It would be interesting to visit again. After all they had a Queen now as their ruler. Edward smiled to himself as he reflected on the vast changes he had seen the world undergo. Time to explore it some more!

Who's what
Doublet: (Stitched) Qalen Doublet
Pants: (Stitched) Rafford Pants
Ruff: Grasshopper St - GHS Neck Ruff
Collar: [REQUISITION] Chamberlain's Livery Collar
Hat: Grasshopper St - GHS Scholar Cap - brim down

Desk by [noctis] with sundry props from various collections.
Backdrop: Garden of Dreams - The Library

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