Monday 1 May 2023

Is this still on?

*Blows dust off the surface*

*dissolves into a coughing fit belatedly realising just how bad that idea was*


Yes I'm still here!

Well, mostly. 

I'm still in Babbage. The unofficial right-hand man I think. I should petition Tenk to be official Mace Holder. Pearse'd & Cut closed down inworld. And since I never had a Marketplace set up that ended that. However I have been nagged cajoled encouraged to set it up on Marketplace and am currently in the last stages of setting a new logo and packaging and will hopefully be offering some wares Very Soon™ 

In place of the former Pearse'd & Cut store, the Sphinx Club has been constructed. The home of Breakfast in Babbage (which is STILL going) and my dance club in Babbage Palisade. I've also finally set up a SL group so you can get announcements of upcoming gigs. There's even a discord server!

I've been doing a bit more work with SL photography and am rather enjoying that. 

My latest creation:

Night Patrol 

I am going to try and update this a little more often. Or at least post something a little more interesting than just monthly even notices.

Of course, good intentions and all that. Remember: April is Procrastination Awareness Month!

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