Friday 7 September 2012

Babbage Travelogue: Port Babbage

To the west of Clockhaven the Port Babbage sim. One of the early additions to group of sims, Port Babbage has seen its fair share of change.
 The Port, with its piers ships and various crates littering the docks

The remains of the Rookwood Brewery. Rumour has it the owner was unable to meet his insurance payments and the place suffered a little "accident".

The rear of the brewery with its giant drinker statue.
 The front of the Rookwood Brewery before the fire started.

 The Steamboat Energy Co. Warehouse

 Mureaux Park, named for one of the city's former residents.

Miss Garnet's Whitby Tea Rooms, frontage to Front Street

The rear of the Tea Rooms with frontage to Watch House Run

Chav Paderborn's clothing shop

Clockwork Music's Emporium.

 Fisticuffs, recently rebuilt after an Air Kraken attack.

Miss Kembri Tomsen's The Curious Seemstress. Where most of my wife's money ends up :-)

To a T, a longstanding business in the Port

Portside Books, for a quiet night and a good read.

The Nautilus, now moored at the docks

Builds along Savory Street

Builds along Savory Street (II)

Mr. Serpente's house

Loner Lane, now under its fourth(?) Land Lord

Empty shops behind the Curious Seamstress. Mostly there to keep the lot from looking empty I suspect

The Port Babbage Bathesphere

Otenth Paderborn's giant greenhouse

 The Viewing platform (with stray tentacle)

Port Babbage Terminus. Holds the rental kiosk and connects the Port Babbage tramline with the Brunel Railway line.


The top of the Vernian Sea Lift

The Tunnels into the Vernian

And a very recent addition to Clockhaven - the Naval Yards of the Babbage Militia.

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful view of Port Babbage - well done Sir.
